Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Great Trump Election Heist, Parte Deux

Kanye West, who is pursuing a spot on the 2020 ballot, met with Jared Kushner.(NYT)
He is already on the ballot in Colorado.

And, Cucky Kushner is also "in charge of" Trumpie's Trump Virus "response." And Trumpie don't like the numbers, they make him feel like a dope. When Trumpie doesn't like numbers, poll numbers, Trump Virus Cases and Deaths numbers, he calls them "fake" and makes up his own "alternative" numbers. So, now he's suppressing the real Trump Virus numbers for fake ones that he's gonna make up..

34 Health Experts Warn New Data Rules Left Hospitals ‘Scrambling’ and Could Mar Data Integrity


The administration last month ordered hospitals to send daily reports about virus cases to a central database in Washington — controlled by [HHS] — instead of to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...The order raised alarm that the data could be politicized or withheld from the public.
Hospital officials around the country questioned the wisdom of switching systems in the middle of a pandemic, and said that the shift in reporting requirements has been time-consuming and difficult. And because the metrics are different, it is hard to compare current data with information collected earlier in the pandemic.