Thursday, November 12, 2020

Oh my God

Yesterday, Nov. 11, when I posted on the TrumPlague toll the Death count was 240k+. Right now it is 242,527. This madman must be STOPPED! He is doing NOTHING on the virus. 1,381 reported Deaths yesterday to Johns Hopkins, 1,388 on Nov. 10. Why is no one talking about doing something to force Trump out ahead of Jan. 20?? There are SIXTY-NINE days left! That is not sustainable.  He LOST the election, he is doing nothing about this horrendous toll--143,000+ Americans were infected yesterday ALONE. If, in any other country, mass killing on this scale was going on there would be United Nations resolutions being introduced. A city the size of Chesapeake, Virginia has already been wiped out. Are we, the American people, just going to WATCH as tens of thousands MORE Americans DIE and tens of MILLIONS more get sick? What kind of people are we to do that?