(1) CCP established the “Chinese Soviet Republic ” in Jiangxi Ruijin in November, 1931. Photo of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and so on members of the Central Executive Committee. (2), “Chinese Soviet Republic ” President Mao Zedong. (3) The flow coin in "Chinese Soviet Republic ". (4) "Chinese Soviet Republic " issued money notes; on the back of the note was printed "armed to defend the Soviet Union ". It shows the CCP to be traitorous. On October 26, 1929, Soviet Union launched a large-scale aggressive war to Northeast China and occupied large China ’s Northeast territory. Moscow subsidized CCP to subvert Republic of China and "armed to defend the Soviet Union ".

The state money design is symbolizing the national spirit, but the bill of “Chinese Soviet Republic ” was printed the Russian leader portrait, moreover the country’s name was thoroughly betrays country--“Chinese Soviet”
(2) Massacre in "Chinese Soviet Area" -- Cultural Revolution's embryonic form.
Mao murdered the local armed force leaders in Mao and Li Shaoqi launched the “Futian incident”. Influence by Soviet Russia’s movement of “hitting the rich peasants, Trotskyite counter-revolutionary”, Mao did the same movement in Soviet Areas with the help by Li Shaoqi and Liu Shiqi (Mao’s relative), “hitting AB group members” “hitting the rich peasants, Trotskyite counter-revolutionary”, a lot of CCP members and Red Army cadres suffered attack, and were killed. The most famous was the “Futian incident.” Mao struggled with Jiangxi Red Army founder and leader Li Wenlin et al., the CCP inner conflicts. On June 25, 1930, Liu shiqi issued "Propaganda outline of anti- AB Group”, it said: “The worker and peasant populace only recognize the social class, do not recognize the friends and relatives, everyone arrived your home or nearby places who have some incorrect behaviors, no matter the friends and relatives, should report to the Soviet government to treat”. On December 7, 1930 Li Shaojiu and ten persons with guns intruded Jiangxi Province Soviet government office which was located in Futian village, immediately bundled 8 CCP cadres, till to 12th evening, altogether grasped 120 people. In the night of December 10, Li Shaojiu ordered to shoot 17 persons, on 11th executed 24 persons. These caused on December 13 some Red Army to hold rebellion, they wrote slogan “Overthrow Mao Zedong, support Zhu De and Peng Dehuai”. After “Futian incident”, the active part of Red Army led by Xie Hanchang, Liu Di, Zeng Bingchun, the “Red 20 Army”, more than 700 officers and soldiers were killed in The massacre in Soviet Areas other than the “central Soviet Areas ( |

(1) Children's books are propagandized that during “Chinese Soviet Revolution”, CCP organized “children's corps” to take part in “hits the local tyrant, divides the paddies”, to combat rich person sitting sedan chairs. (2, 3) Yuan Wencai and Wan Zuo, Jinggang Mountain local armed force leaders, were murdered by Mao’s strategy. (4) Wan Xixian, born in 1906, joined CCP in 1925, followed Mao went to Jinggang Mountains , was organizing minister of CCP Hunan Jiangxi Boundary. In the CCP inner fight was killed on February 24, 1930, by plot of Zhu Changkai (secretary of CCP Hunan Jiangxi Boundary), Wang Huai (secretary of CCP Younxin County Committee) and Long Chaoqing, and so on. In the “Jinggang Mountains Revolution Museum ” Wan Xixian was said as a “revolutionary martyr by wrong killing” to cover the real history fuzzily. (5) Afterward Zhu Changkai, Wang Huai, Long Chaoqing, and so on all was “wrong killing” in the CCP inner fight of “hitting AB Group”. The CCP subsequently confirmed them all as the revolutionary martyr. Picture shows Wang Huai. (6) Long Chaoqing, sees the CCP “wrong killing” the CCP senior cadres name list table.