Sunday, August 11, 2013

America Out of Control.

Here's a bizarre example of how out of control America has become. When the Snowden revelations were published initially by The Guardian and Washington Post, each paper printed images from the NSA slideshow presentation on PRISM. The Department of Homeland Security then sent an email to its employees warning them not to read the Post article from their government computers as that would constitute breach of protection of "Classified National Security Information!" Go buy the paper instead. Here's the email from Senior Deputy Chief First Assistant Dolt "Mark R. Larsen."

Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 9:50 AM
Subject: SECURITY ALERT ***Washington Post Article***
Importance: High
Per the National Cybersecurity Communications Integration Center:

There is a recent article on the Washington Post’s Website that has a clickable link titled “The NSA Slide you never seen” that must not be opened on an Unclassified government workstation. This link opens up a classified document which will raise the classification level of your Unclassified workstation to the classification of the slide which is reported to be TS/NF.

If opened on an Unclassified system, you are obligated to report this to the SSO as a Classified Data Spillage (<> < > >).

Again, please exercise good judgment when visiting these webpages and clicking on such links. You may be violating your Non-Disclosure Agreement in which you sign that you will protect Classified National Security Information. You may be subject to any administrative or legal action from the Government.

Somebody then gave Larsen's email to the Post and they published it three days later! Ha! That-there constitutes dark humor. Mark R. Larsen, sorry MARK R. LARSEN, you sir are a fool.