Sunday, August 25, 2013

Was Obama always this slow, does anybody know? In the Senate? In law school? Was he special ed? Sorry, insensitive, racial overtones...Is he retarded?  A lot of non-special ed normal people concluded Asad had used chemical weapons previous to this latest incident. Is Obama the very last person on earth to have reached this conclusion? You look at the most recent attacks: the mass casualties, all those people suddenly dead, some just laying in the street, the casualties occurring in the same temporal period; look at the bodies: no wounds. Huh? How about that? No bullet or shrapnel wounds.  What could that mean?; some victims foaming from the mouth and nose; one I saw on the BBC, a haunting photograph of a man whose face looked frozen, eyes wide and fixed, like his facial muscles were paralyzed, which they were, by nerve gas, according to the Beeb.

He doesn't want to make a rush to judgment until he's sure. When not rushing means you always finish last and everybody else who rushed was right, then you gotta pick it up. You're just slow.