Friday, August 16, 2013

I don't know how Barack Obama lives with himself, sleeps at night. The whole NSA thing: he has made so many false statements, a couple of news outlets have "Obama Fact Checks" now. Either he didn't know or he lied. I would be so embarrassed if I had made those statements not knowing they were false, I couldn't show my face! If they were lies, I can't put myself in his place; I would not lie like that. And Egypt: We're up to ~700 or so killed, right? Officially. It's much higher than that. I could never so cynically just IGNORE a law like that. Bodies get to me. The law doesn't apply to me? The hell it doesn't. How can he be so cynical? If I had been "pragmatic," cautious, "don't jump to conclusions," and had waited, like, a day, I would have been so outraged the next day, I would have run into the press room and yelled, "COUP! COUP! IT'S A COUP!" I would have been humiliated by myself for having waited a day. Outraged: Where is this man's moral outrage?