Saturday, August 31, 2013

You know what I hate about champagne? It's sneaky. It sneaks up on you. I've heard it's because of the carbonation. In alcohol content it's just fortified wine so you think you can drink more of it than hard liquor ("Liquor? I hardly know her!" Heh-heh-heh.). You think. And it tastes better than unadulterated weeski so you take deeper draughts. I was at a wedding one time with a friend. His cousin or something was getting married. Reception outdoors, incredible food. Champagne. It snuck up on my friend and me. He tried to kiss me. There's a picture of that. Later we broke into his grandma's house (he forgot key). In between I threw up under a pine tree. Never had those experiences except with champagne. Sneaky SNEAK. Hate that stuff.