Friday, August 23, 2013


So, this is the scoop on Gu Kalai and Neil Heywood according to a summary in the BBC or like that:

-BoGu owned a villa in Spain or something.
     -Naughty, naughty. Can't let that get out. Everyday Chinese would go nuts, the Party would go nuts.
-Gu got Heywood to manage the property for them and Shhh!
- Heywood began complaining to Gu about the cost of the upkeep. Send more yuan.
- Gu became convinced Heywood was an "unreliable foreigner" and balked.
- Heywood became more and more insistent.
- Heywood became so insistent that he began threatening to un-Shh.
- Heywood became so insistent that he physically threatened BoGu's son.
-Gu had Wang get some of his henchmen to kill Heywood.
- I think Gu confessed.

It reads like a fable. Haven't we read this somewhere in some ancient morality play about greed and the greedy coming to no good end, of the peculiar evil of women, of an evil woman,-a witch!-of ambition thwarted,-Icarus-the depravity of the privileged, and of poison!

No. I don't believe it. They can't even prove Heywood was killed, much less murdered with poison (Body cremated when official cause of death was still "overconsumption of alcohol."). No, BoGu have been prosecuted because Bo was getting too big for his britches in Chongqing and for being too "red." The Center needs to work on their story when they purge someone. KISS: Keep it simple stupid. Lose the witch and the poison.