Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Russia, etc.

The President of the United States gave some speech today in "THE HAGUE," which is in "THE NETHERLANDS." POTUS was there to make sure the Europeans don't go all "wooly in the knees" over Rus. In the course of shearing the 'Peans of their wool POTUS referred to Rus as only "a regional power." 

Clever, no?  Putting Russia in its place: a "regional power," not the other half of the "bi" in the bipolar world that Putin wants Rus to be. A put-down without a throw-down. No, it wasn't clever, it was a throw-down, a bitchy throw-down. Don't be a bitch, Obama. If you're going to slam somebody, do it like a man.

Why be so gratuitously dismissive of another country's ambition? Why now, in this context especially? The Obamas HATE Vladimir Putin, and he them! Can Obama not see how the loss of empire, no matter how evil, would grate on a people? On this leader of this people? The president went on to say that there is a greater danger of nuclear incineration from a bomb going off in Manhattan than from a Russian strike. 

Be an adult, Obama--lay off the selfies--, be a leader, don't taunt people.