Sunday, March 23, 2014

We should like to make page-viewers acquainted with Nina Shtanski:

Nin...Ms.Shtanski is the "Foreign Minister" of, T-r-a-n-s-n-i-s-t-r-a, sorry, i-a, Transnistria. We should like to make page-viewers acquainted with Transnistria:

You see that little red scar...Okay: That big gray blob in the upper right: Rus. The biggest of the gray blobs to the left of Rus: Ukraine. You see the red scar now, in the lower left of Ukraine? Transnistria. That mini-Italian boot to the left of Transnistria is Moldova. The rest of that shit, I don't know what it is, I didn't look it up.

Transistria, Transnistria, is not, like, a "country," I don't know what it is, a state or something, and so technically doesn't need a Foreign Minister but it has one in Ms. Shtanski and Ms. Shtanski has called on Vladimir Putin and the Rooskis to invade invade Transistria, and I don't know, liberate it, or clutch it to Russia's bosom or something. At some point, like this millennium, in the last 14 years, okay, the Transistrians voted to "eventually" become one with the bosom of Mother Rus. Putin, we don't care, go ahead, Obama won't tell you that but he doesn't care either. Knock your frigging self out, whydontsha.