Friday, November 25, 2016

Thomas L. Friedman's Racism. Words Return.

I know what I wanted to say. I included the link to the entire column so you could read and see how Friedman buries his racist words under a pile of bullshit.

That column contains 1,078 words. The first 769 are the pile. You can't even say Friedman pyramids to get to his racism. Run a bullshit detection test: After you've read the whole thing, go back and read from word no. 770 in the paragraph that begins "I recently met with economic and climate refugees in West Africa..." and read to the end of the article.

Are the first 769 words necessary to get to words 770-1078?


No, the first 769 are not necessary, ergo they are bullshit. Friedman could have started his column at word 770 and the reader would not have had the sense that the column had been truncated, that it started oddly or without context.

Friedman did that purposefully. He purposefully muddied the waters with those 769 words to obscure his racism.