Wednesday, November 07, 2018

The Election

A while ago I wrote that these mid-term elections would be like all other mid-terms: “all politics is local,” as the adage goes; these mid-terms will be about local issues and local candidates,Trump is not on the ballot, I wrote.

Boy was I wrong.

This was a Russian-style election (singular).It’s Putin, stupid. The Russification of American politics means that all politics is national. It’s Trump, stupid.

Presidential elections used to be fifty little races not one big national election. In 2020 it will be one big national election.

The media is national-ized, maybe nationalized. Sean Hannity appeared on stage with Trump a day before the election. Fox is America 2.0s RT. They ought to change their name to AT. Any media outlet other than Fox is "fake news" Hannity told the Low Lifes. All other than Fox are "enemies of the people" Trump has repeatedly said. The phrase is lifted directly and without alteration from Lenin, November 28, 1917.

There is less separation of power in America 2.0 than in the original. Less federalism, more power concentrated in the White House. Congress is more like the Russian Duma. The judiciary is less independent. Kavanaugh openly claimed "the Clintons" were behind his confirmation fight. Trump finally got rid of the Attorney General today.

The midterm election was, like all of the above, Russified. That is America 2.0.