Wednesday, June 10, 2020

..the presidential race...just looks worse and worse for Republicans.

President Trump’s national job-approval ratings continue to decline. 
These ratings are not so low as to be in the dead-meat category...

Trump... trails Joe Biden by between 5 and 11 points in the last four major national polls. 

The point of this is absolutely not to suggest that Biden will win this election in a landslide. Nevertheless, in this period of increasing partisanship and tribalism, with the proportion of voters who believe that Trump can do little if anything wrong in the mid-to-high 30s and those who believe he can do little if anything right in the low-to-mid 40s, the days of 49-state landslides and 61 percent popular-vote wins are long gone. Leads are unlikely to get much larger than this.
Trump has a pitch-perfect ear for his base... But he also seems tone deaf in terms of understanding those outside his base. He doesn’t understand them and doesn’t seem to want to learn or try. This political tin ear...Trump’s political instincts have always run more glandular than cerebral, but it finally seems to be catching up with him.

Can Democrats blow this? Heck, yes. Democrats have proven to be a bit hard of hearing as well... [For me personally, I did not hear how hard Republicans hit, and have to be hit, until the anti-Trump Lincoln Project just about burst my ear drums.]

 [Joe Biden]  won the nomination because he was not Bernie Sanders, and if he wins the general election, it will be because he is not Donald Trump.
Charlie Cook June 9