Sunday, June 21, 2020

Flop, Flop, Fizzle, Fizzle, Oh What a Big Deal This Is. -Or- Was It Real?

"Tulsa Rally Flop,"-The Guardian
"Trump Rally Fizzles"-New York Times
"Trump's Return Went from Bad to Worse"-CNN
"Trump's Tulsa Rally a Sad Farce"-The Guardian


Trumpie's explanation:

Brad Parscale
 · 12h
Radical protestors, fueled by a week of apocalyptic media coverage, interfered with @realDonaldTrump supporters at the rally.

They even blocked access to the metal detectors, preventing people from entering.

Thanks to the 1,000s who made it anyway!


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID

Shout out to Zoomers. Y’all make me so proud. Smiling face

zoomers, teens on tiktok, and kpop stans coming together to ruin trump’s tulsa rally

TikTok Teens and K-Pop Stans Say They Sank Trump Rally

("K-Pop Stans" translation: Korean popular music fans.)

Those are HUGELY different things.

AOC said it and I believe AOC. Ergo, June 20, 2020 will not have been the SIGN from God that "our long national nightmare is over," "merely" that we are witnesses to the most successful political prank in history. And I was forewarned! I saw a CNN article that this was happening a few days ago. Sent it to my family as a "brilliant idea"--which it was! But when I saw the headlines and articles last night, it never occurred to me, I never thought it would work that well. Trump lives, unfortunately.