Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I cannot help myself. As awful as what is being represented on these graphs is I just marvel at the periodicity of this thing. This is Deaths, WaPo. Look at the empty spaces. The current is almost identical to the one immediately preceding and both of them are proportional with the third, except reversed. Going to the purple bars we have not seen anything this "twin towers" look recently and to make a turret-like notch is going to require two more days after today--unless it is going to reverse as the left-most white space did in which case tomorrow's bar will be lower. That would be good. I am like pre-modern man with this. I'm looking into the heavens and seeing a big dipper and a little dipper and a chariot and all that. It's the limit of my comprehension. To the less mystical stuff, yeah, Deaths are up today. The cross-hatched bar represents 755 by WaPo's count, after 725 yesterday (NYT had 769 yesterday) and Hopkins has total Deaths now at 117,694.