Sunday, June 14, 2020

I saw this headline from the New York Daily News:
Trembling Trump has trouble lifting glass of water during speech

A headline is lure to click and read, no? It worked. There were two tweets to Trump’s speech today. Here is the tweeted video to “trembling.”

I watched that five times before I saw what could be characterized as trembling. I don’t know if maybe Representative Ted Lieu sees it more clearly, probably. I do see of course Trump using two hands and there has to be a reason for that. As the original tweeter commented Trump seems unable to get the glass up to his mouth with his right hand. It looks as if Trump’s right arm can’t go up that high. I hardly see trembling however.

My hand has trembled when I drink water in front of a jury. To the point where I know not to even try anymore. It may be age, it may be age with Trump, but in my case I think not. I've been doing it for too long, since I was about 45. My trembling is certainly related to the nervous intensity that I feel in front of a jury, as it would be here for Trump giving a speech but in my case I get the shakes at other times. When I re-read a book and see squiggly underlining I recognize it as being due to my use of adderall, which I have been taking for about twenty years. 

The same poster (tweeter?) that the Daily News cited for trembling also wrote

Aaron Rupar

Trump's bone spurs must've flared up when he said "Vietnam" here

I listened closely three times and didn’t hear any mispronunciation.

The water thing however has happened before.

I didn't know anything about the water problem until the Daily News headline today but now that I see those prior incidents spliced together, there is clearly something going on with the two-handed technique, whether it's adderall, speed, some other medication, age, all of the foregoing, something. There is definitely something going on here. I have wondered privately if Trump is not on adderall or some kind of speed; I don't know if I have wondered in public before: his rambling speech, his sudden out-of-the-blue extreme temper flares, the whatever-it-is with water. 

Something else happened today and this even with my 20/400 eyesight, I could see.

The first poster of this on Twitter that I saw:

Lindy Li
Why is Trump having trouble walking down a ramp and drinking a glass of water with one hand?

Does he have Parkinson’s?

What was the reason for the mysterious Walter Reed trip last year?

We deserve answers.

Parkinson's, hey, who knows, there has always seemed to me to be something neurologically or whatever amiss with Trump. In his Oval Office address on Trump Virus I was genuinely alarmed at a, to me, clear gasp in pain in the middle of the speech. I immediately posted about that. Everybody else either saw nothing or attributed it to sinus or something. Stevie Wonder could see in all of these incidents something is wrong. Lindy Li is right, we do deserve answers.