Sunday, June 14, 2020

People have made up their minds. The RVAT videos reinforced that notion. Confirmation bias? Sure, I own that. Ridiculously small sample size, absolutely. But folks, this is mid-June, the election is still almost five months away. Yet these Republicans have made the excruciating choice to vote for the opposite Party's candidate. And they have done it in June. You cannot watch those testimonials and not feel their pain. One of them even says, "I'm sorry." There is no going back for them. They didn't move into the undecided column. They have done a 180 and are now Never Trumpers with extreme prejudice.

Donald Trump is going to lose this election. And it is going to be an incontestable loss, not a squeaker or one decided in the Electoral College. Now, Trump is not going to lose in a landslide. America is a center-right nation, Trump is not going to lose Nancy's Oklahoma or West Virginia or Alabama or Mississippi or, or, or. But he is going to lose and lose with no questions being asked.