Saturday, June 13, 2020

Police responded to a call of a motorist asleep behind the wheel in the drive-through lane of a Wendy’s restaurant. Other patrons had to drive around him. Police made contact and say they had reason to believe the motorist was DUI. They say they administered a field sobriety test and the motorist failed. The police then attempted to arrest the motorist. A struggle ensued between the motorist and the two responding officers. According to the Deputy Police Chief both officers Tasered the motorist but were unable to "stop the aggression of the fight." The struggle continued and the motorist disarmed one of the officers of the stun gun. He then took off running and the police gave chase on foot. After running six-seven parking spaces distant the motorist turned and fired the Taser at one of the officers, striking that officer. One of the officers shoots him dead with his service firearm. The chase is captured on Wendy's surveillance video:

Those are the facts as I understand them in the police shooting death of Rayshard Brooks, a black man, in Atlanta last night and all of the facts except the initial police contact with Brooks are documented on the video.

On those facts any reasonable person can determine that THE POLICE OFFICERS DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG! I literally cannot give more emphasis to that on blogger.

However, the universe of reasonable persons is narrower than I had believed. It does not include the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, who said "I do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force;" it appears not to include former Georgia state representative and former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams who  did not go quite so far as did Mayor Bottoms, but too far nonetheless: “The killing of #RayshardBrooks in Atlanta last night demands we severely restrict the use of deadly force,” she wrote. “Yes, investigations must be called for – but so too should accountability. Sleeping in a drive-thru must not end in death.” Bottoms and Abrams are reportedly on Joe Biden's short-list for vice president. Bottoms should be returned to the bottom of the list. The universe of reasonable persons does not encompass within it Rep Ted Lieu (D-CA33) who tweeted, 
"I have watched this video [the same one in this post]  of the #AtlantaShooting several times, and other videos of #RayshardBrooks. There is enough probable cause to arrest the police officer for murdering a Black civilian running away from him. The killing of Black Americans by government has got to stop." I know not what universe Bottoms, Abrams, and Lieu inhabit but it is not a reasonable universe.