Saturday, June 13, 2020

Premier League Restarting

Yes, 'tis! The Lion roars back to life Wednesday!...Christ, it has been so long...My goodness how COVID-19 just shut down the world. It is like we reverted to some pre-post-modern world. Anyway, I have not followed developments on this. I haven't followed developments on anything but but the virus and Trump's death rattle. I don't know when this decision was made or if the matches are going to be held in empty stadia like the Bundesliga did. I don't know. However it is, on June 17 Citeh...

...plays Arsenal at Etihad.

I did see something about the NBA re-starting but it was a fleeting glimpse quickly stolen--I think they are going to go directly into the playoffs. Hold them in Las Vegas, maybe? What strange times these are. I remember reading in one of the Civil War books that for people living then it was the only topic on anyone's mind, the only thought spoken. And when it was over people be like "What was that?"