Sunday, June 14, 2020

RealClearPolitics has upped its predicted Biden Electoral College vote for the first time since I have been following it more or less closely. It was Biden 183 for the longest while. Now, it is Biden 197. The changes came from Colorado (9 EV's) and New Mexico (4 EV's).

I saw one tweet that in the Des Moines Register's respected Iowa Poll Biden had made up a 10 point gap on Trump. Biden was -10 in the Register's poll at the beginning of March, so if true, that would mean that Biden and Trump are now tied in Iowa. However, although the Register said it would start to publish the Iowa this weekend, and although they did publish the Iowa Poll in the senate race and the senate poll did show Democrat Theresa Greenield 46%-43% over incumbent Republican Joni Ernst, they have not yet published their presidential poll. Iowa has six electoral votes.