Sunday, June 14, 2020

RVAT: Nancy from Oklahoma, "Who are these people?"

That is the question I, and many others, kept asking ourselves in 2016. Who are these people at Trump Klan rallies, punching other people, pushing women to the ground, shouting "Nigger!" and "Lock her up"? Where did they come from? Nancy and Zach from North Carolina both say they voted for Trump "as the lesser of two evils," Zach, that he had believed all the "lies and misleading information." Those lies and disinformation came from Russia. They found fertile soil in Nancy and Zach and almost 63,000,000 others, some of whom, these folks, seem almost dazed. "What were we thinking?" Thomas of North Carolina said. Zach said he was "sick" the moment he voted. At the end Nancy says, after a pause, she seems almost grief-stricken, "Trump is a danger to our country. He is a danger to our democracy."