Thursday, June 18, 2020

Taking the Soul of Donald Trump: The Lincoln Project

To me, this is the most effective of LP's ads. They are also fast. This ad was put together just last night. It is (nominally) about the revelations in John Bolton's book.

BRUTAL! “Begged a dog.”!

They are taking Trump’s manhood, that is the subliminal message there. Making him their “bitch.” That stuff goes right into Trump and just rips his heart out. They’re raping him. I believe this is what is taking the fight out of Trump. You saw that on the golf course and you can read about in a NYT article today. THIS is what is doing it.

Brian Williams quoted one of LP's founder as saying that these ads are "psy-ops," a psychological war operation. LP places them on Fox, Trump’s fave channel, so they know he is going to be watching. The ads are aimed at an audience of one. I thought the psy-op quote was very telling—I think they want primarily to take the fight out of HIM, to “emasculate” him. You can almost hear Trump go “welp.”

The ad opens with this voice over:

Now, who "plays pretend"? Children! All of those images of "tiny Trump":

Those images got to Trump. "I'm not really like that." Okay Boomer. Trump is shrinking and shrinking and soon will disappear.

"They [China] know who Donald Trump is."

They never call him "President." It's a gesture to his illegitimacy. That particular segment also contrasts well with Joe Biden's message, "We Know Joe."

“Trump BEGGED Xi to help him win reelection.” Real men don’t BEG! They don't ask; they TAKE.

Why this closeup from the same still?

"They don't care!" Olivia Nuzzi wrote back before the 2016 election. "They care about HIM." "They think he won't let them get fucked over because he's never been fucked over." They are one with him. These ads, all of them, are not cognitive, they’re emotional. Trump has a svengali-like hold on the Trumpbags and this loosens that hold—this one reveals Trump to be soft, weak, a “pussy,” a bitch. The greatest insult you can use on a guy is “bitch.” They are revealing Trump to be a bitch who LIKES it up the ass. So this ad in particular demoralizes Trump SUPPORTERS. I mean, it’s a little embarrassing, isn’t it? To have your He-Man, “grab-'em-by-the-pussy” Leader to be revealed a bitch "dog" who "just rolls over" to get fucked?

Yes, I think it is.😂  Trump’s base base will never vote for Biden. But these ads take the fight out of them as well and they may just not vote.

They inoculated Biden on China with this ad. Trump already has his defenses for losing the election: blame CHINA, blame Democrats, and there was a third one, but this ad is a preemptive knockout of those first two excuses.