Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Great Trump Death, June 18, midnight

I am concerned about the number of Deaths we have had today, thus this final, which is not final because Hopkins does not produce a Deaths graph, just the raw number. So, at 11:34 a.m. June 17, there had momentarily passed the 117,000 mark and stood at 117,034. At 8:22 a.m. we were, as I put it, "a short while away from 117,000." That is, not at 117,000 yet. My recollection is that the last I checked on June 16, we were at ~116,967. So 8:22 a.m. June 17 and now, just passed midnight June 18, we have almost all of the Deaths for June 17. That is impeccable math and you can suck my dick. So with that we will check first Hopkins raw total death count all-time. Stand by...We are at

117,717 total Deaths. The total Deaths for June 17 are therefore at least at 117,717 and undoubtedly slightly higher.

Now we shall check the New York Times which does provide a seven-day average and daily bar graph for Deaths (but will not be updated until tomorrow morning. The Times count has been very close to Hopkins' and recently slightly higher. and both Hopkins and NYT are considerably higher historically than Chief WaPo's count.

The Times:

117,738 total Deaths per the Times, higher than Hopkins.

The Times seven-day average line and daily bar graph complete only through June 16:
The overriding good news is that the seven-day average is still down and still going down.

Finally, WaPo's undercounted seven-day average line and daily bar graph complete through June 


Again, the all important data point is the seven-day trend line; it is a little more wiggly than the Times but is clearly down and continued down despite the the June 16 (725) and June 17 (755) spikes.

We're going to make one final pass at the Johnnies and then we're blowing this popsicle stand. It is the same now at 12:35 a.m. June 18 and with that good night.