Monday, June 08, 2020

The Great Trump Death

110,514 Cumulative total people killed by Trump with Trump Virus.

5.68% Trump Kill efficiency. Down she goes, down, down, down.

Look at this!

HAHAHAHAHAHA! GOOD OLD DEATHS! Look that sliding board! Look at those bars! "Only" 424 today! The third consecutive day of CLEAR drops. There have not been fewer than 424 daily Deaths since March 26, in 73 DAYS! Deaths, you get an A+ tonight.

Cases, Cases, do not harsh my mellow s'il vous plait:

I'll take that! The seven day average dippity dooed a bit. It is still a still an uneven, here rising a smidge, here falling a smidge table since May 31, eight days of seven-day averages. But a dramatic drop today to 18.9k cases. Nothing to jump up and down for joy and grab your genitals 18,9k cases, but the losest since June 1. I'LL TAKE IT! Cases, you fucking special ed plate in your head retard, I'm going to give you a B grade tonight. Do Not fuck this up and punish me tomorrow for my generosity.

Folks, it's time to celebrate in song. Cases, HUM. Sit there and just HUM. I'm watching you.

Happy days are here again, 
The skies above are clear again 
Let us sing a song of cheer again 
Happy days are here again,
So long sad time, so long bad time 
We are rid of you at last 
Howdy gay times, cloudy gray times 
You are now a thing of the past