Monday, June 01, 2020

The Trump Death

Speaking of dying, let's do it. I've only checked a couple of times today. It has been a good day for Deaths. They were heading way down last time I put the number on the header. Cases though, Cases were going to be lower than yesterday, which was lower than the 29th, but not much lower. The tail of WaPo's seven-day Deaths line was tilting a little down, not a break like falling off a cliff, just the whole recent tail had adjusted a millimeter down. The Cases line however developed an inchworm which humped up a tiny bit. okay, to the numbers and the final numbers are in:

The Johnnies have it,

104,383 Killed by Trump

5.83% Trump Kill rate. That sucker just keeps going down--last I checked today it was 5.83%--and it is now .23% off Trump's high of 6.06%. That is a miraculous achievement by American medicine, as I said early this morning.

The Johnnies daily Cases graph:
20k cases May 31, down noticeably from 24.1k and 24.3k May 30 and 29 respectively.

Whoa. I didn't expect this. Hopkins five-day Cases line is delta Up.

It was delta green down.  But it is up, you can clearly see that on the orange five-day line. That's disturbing. And confusing. I don't know why the Cases five-day line would be Up and Deaths down. But for Deaths we have to switch data bases over to Chief WaPo. Chief, whatcha got?

WaPo's seven-day Deaths graph looks as I remembered it from earlier.

When you're under 1,000 Deaths for the day, you've had a comparatively good day in the U.S. and WaPo's final count for the day is a sparkling 614. For reference, the closest bar on that graph to 1,000 even is May 16, sixteen bars over from May 31. As you can see we have seldom been under 1,000 per day. The vast majority of days we are way over. So that is a big ol' dropski in the last five days.

More importantly as always the seven-day line. It is more properly termed a table now, it's too long for a dog's tail, and it is pretty goddamned flat. Death's are taking a nap on that big table. has a slight

Most importantly the overall seven-day Deaths line continues it's clear walk downhill.

 Finally, WaPo seven-day Cases line:

The table is tilted Up, you can fucking suck my Dick, as is Hopkins' five-day line. That's a four day seven-day Up line. Four straight days of 20k+ Cases per day. Not good. Bad.The last time we had an Up line of that duration was early April. Overall the seven day line is down from its peak but jeezus, could you go any slower?  And now you're going up over four days? Does that pleasure you? It does not pleasure me. It irritates me. If that pleasures you then you're a masochist. There is nothing there recently to prompt heavy breathing. As I've said a couple times now, what is saving us is that declining morality rate.
