Thursday, June 04, 2020

Trump Epidemic

This is going to be last call. Look at this:

That's from WaPo. That's from 7:45 p.m. E.T. There were more new infections today with four hours left in the day than in all of June 3.There are about 2 1/2 hours left and the Cases count has risen to 21.1k. Has everybody been getting their light injections? 20k is the unofficial bad-good line.The seven-day line looks like an unseen hand has picked up the limp end of a string and is gradually pulling it more taut. The seven-day average since May 28, eight days, has actually gone up a silly millimeter, and is looking over its shoulder to see if it's okay to continue. It's not okay, any millimeter UP is not silly, that goddamned string—Put it DOWN!—should be hanging limp as Trump’s dick.

That looks better. Deaths always looks better than swine Cases. That is 922 deaths there today which is less per blogger than there were readers of this blog here today. 1k is the unofficial bad-good line for Deaths. Per Hopkins right now Trump has killed 108,208. 

You got that table thing going for the last nine days of seven-day averages, you don’t want tables at this point you want fucking sliding boards, and you even got that little peak there on June 2, but the table is tilted slightly down, and if not a sliding board you have a nice little roller-coaster ride there since late April. Could you fucking drop?
