Saturday, June 20, 2020


This is it, ladies and gentleman! God has sent the SIGN.

It began with a walk down the escalator at Trump Tower, New York, New York. It ended June 20, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our long national nightmare is OVER!


Brad Parscale
Jun 19

The outdoor stage for @realDonaldTrump’s Rally in Tulsa being built.
This will be the 1st time that POTUS speaks to BOTH crowds in person - inside & outside.
If you come to the rally and don’t get into the BOK Center before it’s full, you can still see the President in person!

๐Ÿ˜ค Trump and Pence had to “scrap outdoor speeches as attendance appeared to fall short of expectations”(๐Ÿ˜‚The Hill). Oh my God, my fears of casualties—POOF! There weren't enough Trumpbags! They couldn't come CLOSE to filling a 19,000 seat indoor arena!

 HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That looks like a November Miami "Heat" crowd!

Mr. Trump at one point went into an extended riff about how much was demanded of him physically at West Point...(NYT)
Yeah, I mean I had to stand in my high heels and then I had to drink water without my sippy cup--it can wear a guy out!

...the bigger concern for Mr. Trump was that as the rally started the arena appeared only a little more than half full.

Mr. Trump had originally been scheduled to address an overflow crowd of supporters outside, those plans were also scrapped at the last just dozens of supporters were waiting by the stage at the time the speakers were supposed to arrive...

Mr. Trump’s go-to playlist roared from the speakers, with favorites like...“In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins greeting longtime rally-goers

"I can feel it coming in the air tonight, COVID
"Well, if you told me you were dying, I would not lend a hand"


Hey Trumpie, add this one to your playlist:

"(This is it.)
Make no mistake where you are.
(This is it.)
You back's to the corner.
(This is it.)
Don't be a fool anymore.
(This is it.)
The waiting is over, no, don't you run.
No way to hide."

However, as Mr. Trump was preparing to take the stage, the floor space in front of the podium remained only about half full, and the top rung of seats at the BOK Center remained largely empty.

Outside the arena...One man tried to start an “all lives matter” chant as a man in a Black Lives Matter shirt spoke, but it did not catch on.

IT DIDN'T CATCH ON! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Put a fork in him. Trump is DONE!