Wednesday, June 17, 2020


The Tulsa Klan Rally is another in a seemingly interminable series of horrible decisions by Trump. This is going to be a debacle. Held the day after (moved from) Juneteenth, in the city that massacred African-Americans and burned to the ground "Black Wall Street," held amidst protests over racial violence, the removal of Confederate remnants, against the advice of the state's top health official, with acquiescence, not enthusiasm, from the mayor, 19,000 unmasked, waiver-signing, Confederate flag-waving Trumpbags gather to hear ol' Silver Foot in Mouth hisself.

This is a preliminary to his convention speech and the virus trackers will be meticulously tracing contacts and documenting outbreaks from this "Super Spreader" event. The cameras will be recording and broadcasting Bunker Boy's every outrageous statement, just those, for the media have learned. His speech at Cape Canaveral was ignored; that at West Point also, except for his baby's two-handed water-drinking method (sippy cup?) and his baby walk down the ramp. For those of us who hate Trump Hate this will be a cornucopia, overchoice for the Lincoln Project. It will be a debacle. ❤❤