Carmen my Ex-Cuban Concubine called me yesterday. We are both afficianados of so-bad-it's-good spam email and she got a good one she wanted to tell me about. Hours later:
I forgot to ask if u r happy with your Medicare plan
(i didn’t sign up for one😐)
Well, are you going to? Now it’s the time. It ends Dec 7. I see ads that say they can help you chois the best plan for you. Humana invests thousands in ads every year
I need one that covers mortuary services.
That’s free. You don’t pay for it.😂😂But seriously they have plans that cover dental, vision, etc etc. You should call one of those places
You’re right and I’m glad you told me they’re open till Dec 7. I honestly thought I had missed it because of my avoidance of doing anything responsible. They have dental and vision, too? Wow.
Humana sends you free info. When I watch tv I’ll get you a couple numbers
I’ll bet they do, “Hello dear, I am the widow of Dr Sedgewick Mead from Uganda.”
I don't understand how people felt intimated by those emails.
You mean the Iranian Proud Boys? I was insulted I didn't get one. Cuz I'm an old white guy,I know; they figure I'm going to vote for Trump. I WANT MY PROUD BOYS EMAIL!