Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hurtin' for Certain

My word. Reported Deaths to Johns Hopkins from TrumPlague Oct. 21 were 1,124. We'll have about 1k new Deaths today. In the fourteen days ending Oct. 21 the New York Times reports a 9% increase over the previous period. At post time there are an all-time 222,766 reported Deaths. When you look at Hopkins Deaths graph you can clearly see the wave-like structure. Caution: This is the product of voluntary reporting. The striking periodicity of the ripples, which effects the look of the waves, is down to reporting lag on Sunday's and Monday's.

The Johns Hopkins reported Cases graph (same caution applies):

Here we see a new crest. It is getting almost as high as the Big One in July. (Deaths lag Cases by two-four weeks). Hopkins records 62,735 on Oct. 21, 69,156 on Oct. 16, the most recent high. All-time the high is 77,632 on July 16. The Times reports a 32% increase in the last two-week period. We will see ~60k cases again today, Oct. 22, and on Friday and Saturday as well before the reporting drops.

COVID-19 is a bitch. Even states, like New York, and countries, like Belgium, who have invested leaders have seen the bitch come back. When you have a MIA leader, like Trump, the bitch never did go away. "Don't call it a comeback, 'cause I been here before!"