Saturday, October 17, 2020

"U.S. reports highest number of new coronavirus case since late July as total climbs above 8 million"-CNBC

Yep, 8.076M all-time at post time per Johns Hopkins.

69,156 yesterday, Oct. 16, highest since July 29.

218,869 total Deaths, 883 yesterday.

The New York Times tabs a 29% increase in average daily Cases in the Oct. 16 (Oct. 3-16) iteration of their 14-day trend. 

This galls America. Trump plays it down when he isn't completely ignoring it and campaigns on. Meanwhile, he, his wife, and his son got it, Trump himself had to be hospitalized and there are more new cases than there have been in two and one-half months.

Deaths dipped 2% over the same period. 

The Times' 7-day Deaths graph shows a slight but noticeable dip Oct. 16 (Oct. 10-16).

Ya see that? Know what that dip represents? A decline from 701 Oct. 15 to 700 Oct. 16. Lol ex-Quasis.