Sunday, October 18, 2020

Plague of Trump

We think of the bad old days of TrumPlague in the initial shock of sudden sickness, death and lockdown in March and April, right? Now look at this, Hopkins raw daily Cases graph:

Yeah, we remember well the Summer surge when Trump's call to LIBERATE went heeded and states reopened prematurely, and that did piss us off, we remember being pissed about that, we remember that's when Trump grew "bored" with the whole subject. He has done nothing since but campaign. Just quit on his plague. He was focused on only one thing, his reelection, without even an agenda for a second term. Really pissed us off. But we also remember fondly the false dawn of the return to normalcy in our daily life. Trump pushed for a return to school, Florida went to phase three in reopening fully. Trump continued to ignore his Plague and hosted a "super-spreader" event. He got it and had to be hospitalized; his wife, his son, much of the entire White House staff, got the TrumPlague. We're now deep into October. Trump tweeted "Don't be afraid of COVID." He continued to ignore it, he went back to his rallies, maskless--and look what has happened. The number of new cases has exploded, topping out (so far) at 69,156 daily, surpassed by only five days in the bad old days of July, far, far more than in the shock-and-lock days of March and April, and it is this that burns. Trump fiddles while America burns. 

The New York Times editorializes that Trump's reelection is the gravest threat to American democracy since World War II. Yeah, Hitler and Hirohito declared war on us and more Americans were killed in World War II than have been killed in TrumPlague. But that threat and those dead were "over there." TrumPlague is right here. Trump declared it a war once, too; called himself a "war time president." Then raised the white flag. How many Americans felt their lives and way of life threatened in World War II? Nobody went into lockdown; nobody bunkered down in air raid shelters. There was no invasion. The continental U.S. was not attacked but for a few balloon bombs the Japanese desperately floated on the West Coast. And World War II lasted four years. For those here who didn't have a loved one fighting, things were good! The economy was booming, normal life went on. 

Now contrast with this: 

TrumpPlague has existed only since Feb. 6, eight months and twelve days ago. Since the time this post began at 12:18 p.m. 138 more Americans have been killed. FAR MORE have been killed per day by Trump and his Plague than in World War II. 

Those killed were not killed over there but here.

The economy cratered. Joblessness soared. During World War II the economy was much better than before the war began; God knows when the economy and employment will get back to where it was pre-TrumPlague.

Life during TrumPlague is so abnormal it is surreal. 

The threat to democracy and life and way of life is entirely homegrown in 2020, in fact the responsibility of our president--who takes no responsibility! We have met the enemy and he is him. 

That really burns. Trump will be burned up in this fire.