Friday, October 16, 2020

Commander in Chief, Demi Lovato

It is thundering and lightening outside my windows. The trees are whipping from the wind. It feels like a reckoning.

This has been an emotional afternoon for me. America Needs Pennsylvania made me weep and lightened my wallet by $200; then LPTV's Commander-in-Chief ad, then Demi Lavato's Billboard performance; the New York Times editorial; the notice from my bank.

So below is my third posting this afternoon of some version or another of Ms. Lavato's wail. I think I like this one best but I can't listen to it anymore. She sings the words "commander in chief" in a haunted, shouted hush that makes me shudder. They bore deep and I can't get them out. At the end she's cry-singing and I'm all dried up.

The beginning of the Times editorial: "Trump's re-election campaign is the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II." The Times knows we're not out of the woods yet. Yes, in pristine form the polls are open and shut. But the Times knows that in the remaining fortnight plus four there is nothing that Donald Trump is not capable of attempting to steal yet another election and the Times does not know for sure what all he plans. "The Verdict": Interesting construction. They go on a paragraph or two later to say "We do not indict a sitting president lightly." So that is two references to TrumPrison in case you thought they took editorial license with the first. The Times knows. The man is going to get arrested when he leaves the Whites House. And the Times knows that the prospect of dying in prison, perhaps from a perforated colon from daily, repeating anal raping is real and that that makes Trump uber-desperate. 

What if, seeing the handwriting on the wall, the Disgustings assassinate Joe Biden? Pshaw! Pshaw all you want, the feds foiled plots to assassinate HRC on the way to her inauguration. Lincoln had to enter Baltimore in disguise to foil an assassin. It only takes one and the Disgustings have more than one. If the feds miss one, like Giuseppe Zangara, like Oswald, like Sirhan Sirhan, like James Earl Ray, like Arthur Bremer, like John Hinkley there would be preternatural Chaos. If voters in minority precincts are strong-armed or delayed or--admit it, there could be a mass shooting at an inner city precinct, it's foreseeable that we would have civil war in the streets. 

It's the most fraught time since the immediate aftermath of Islam's attacks on 9/11. So yes, "Trump's reelection campaign is the greatest threat to democracy in America since the Japanese and Nazis declared war on the U.S."