Sunday, March 07, 2021

MH370 +7 Years

9M-MRO in 2011

In 2014 on this date at this exact time on the East coast of the United States (2:22 a.m. March 8 MYT) Malaysia Airlines flight number 370 disappeared from all civilian and military air tracking devices. It is presumed that the aircraft continued aloft until 7:19 pm ET. Two hundred thirty-nine people disappeared with the aircraft, only parts of which have been found. No human remains were recovered. The cause of the crash is still undetermined and its location unknown. It is the most inexplicable mystery in aviation history. 

For weeks the mystery of MH370 received 24/7 coverage on CNN. Theories were propounded by legitimate aviation experts, reasonable mathematics-based flight paths were cinfidently advanced. Yet, nothing. It was not the first, but it was the most vivid piece of evidence that we, humanity, are just not as good as we think we are. It seemed, it still seems, inexplicable that something as big as a jetliner could disappear without a trace when we have so many eyes in the sky, so many ways keeping track of an object from the ground, when we're just so damned GOOD. We’re not.