Saturday, March 13, 2021

Christians Hate America

Tomorrow is Sunday. It is the day Christians in America, under the protection of the state, gather in their churches to be reinfused with hate for America and to plot new attempts to overthrow nonecumenical America and install a white Christian theocracy. 

Christians hate America and and will kill those who adhere to the foundational principle of separation of Church and State, and will attempt to overthrow that state so founded.

Catholic Christians hate Protestant Christians, who hate them back, and both hate Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and any other adherents to religions other than their violent version of Christianity. 

I propose a new version of the Pledge of Allegiance to realign that incantation with our foundational values and away from Christian extremism. The new pledge is as brief and easy to remember as the original and retains much of the cadence of the old:

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic which it created, one nation under law with liberty and justice for all.

Christians are domestic terrorists and far, far the most numerous and influential group of domestic terrorists in America. Be eternally vigilant my fellow Americans for right next door is fascism. It is easy to identify, it is wrapped in the flag, carries the cross, is armed, and wears the badge of the police. Good night.