Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Great Moments in Advertising.

Our Selfie Leaked Too...
FromSpirit Deals
Had "incomplete comprehension" upon seeing that tag line in my inbox. Clicked to open.

Googled "selfie leaked." Googs prompted me with "celebrity selfie leaked." Googled "celebrity selfie leaked." 

I see.

Great. Hey! I ain't skaed a no nudidity, I'll look. Sheet. Pretty, great bodies.There was a list. Only names I think I knew were Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Hudson, and not sure where. It's more exciting if you know the names. Okay, got it. Now back to the email. 

Spirit, that is a FAIL. It doesn't even make sense...Well, they got me to click on it, didn't they? Yes, they did. Normally, I just automatically delete Spirit emails. Didn't auto-delete this one. Didn't buy plane tickets, though. Spirit, that is a FAIL.