Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Officer's Life for Me! CONTACT: "Savages."

September 11:

Dear Papa [aka "governor."],

...[W]e marched 3 a hill surrounded by forests...Here we encamped--I of course, after having had no sleep for two or three nights & being on my feet all day [Take off your heels and put on Aunt Elizabeth's slippers.], was put on guard 2 days after being on guard before, without guard tents or any thing else. Or any thing else. Where's the iron bedstead from Clapp, Fulls & Brown?

Our present camp is on high ground with a view of Washington. We came to it through what seemed immense forests. At every half mile's interval, crowds of half clad savages who called themselves Pennsylvania & New York troops came running down.

Screw Henry Abbott and the horse he rode in on. He wouldn't have made it as far as the Wilderness before getting whacked, I'd a done it with my bare hands right there outside Washington. Hey! You know what? I'm switching sides, I'm deserting...Somebody teach me how to talk southern...I'm rooting for the South now! Y'all. I've got more in common with those half clad savages from Pennsylvania than I do with this half-man king of the punk-asses. I want a best out of three on the Civil War! Allahu Akbar to the Johnny Reb who was the lucky shot.

Immensely big fellows, good natured, friendly, & unsophisticated; that is to say, without the slightest notion of military etiquette or discipline. 

NOTE: He has been an officer two months, trained in "military etiquette and discipline" for TWO MONTHS.

Privates would come up & without so much as saluting, ask us officers questions as if they were actually thirsty to know something of the outer world.

Have 'em shot for disrespecting an officer, Henrietta. "As if:" They were "half clad savages," not fully human so they asked questions about the "outer world" as if they "actually" wanted to know. The common soldiers in the United State army, especially the volunteers, were treated by Abbott and Humphreys and that "type" as good for nothing except for use as cannon fodder. They were not quite human. Disposable.

When they found we were from Boston, they universally manifested the greatest delight & enthusiasm. They all said, "I know you came from Boston you're all fairies and dandies and your anus is so elastic it makes a flapping sound in the wind as you walk, your clothes are so good & you've got rifles." 

You have no idea of the admiration there is for Massachusetts men out in these ragged...regiments; it is gratifying to one's pride, you can imagine. You can imagine.

As we came along, though we came right out from amongst them, they asked where we were from & where bound, with as much ignorance as if we were foreigners suddenly coming in to strange country.