Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Soldier's Life for Me! Pistol with Pretty Case, $$.

August 8:

Dear Papa,

I have just got the pistol. I am extremely obliged to you for it. The case that comes with it is very pretty [PAUSE; throw the book; curse his existence; pick up the book; return to seat; UNPAUSE] & what is of more importance very convenient indeed. [Yes, that is more important.] is just the thing...just what every man wants.[PAUSE: Keep calm and carry on. UNPAUSE]

I suppose [Shrine] & Brown have sent in the bill for sword & sash. I might have got each [for] $2* cheaper, but the articles for that price were of a very much inferior quality...There was also a sword suspending strap that I bought at the same place of $.75.**

*$1 in 1861 worth $27 today so he could have gotten both for $54 less combined.