Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Soldier's Life for Me! Dress Parade, Pistol.

We are to wear swords hereafter at dress parades. Dress parades. Now Sam [brother, 15 y.o.] has got a sword that Fletch gave him & so he won't need any sword...why could't you ask him to send me his sword...

As for the sash, [As for the sash, Henry, take the sash, wrap it up tight in a little ball, okay? And then stick it up your ass.], I believe the class [Harvard 1860] give sashes, though I am afraid every body is out of town & I shan't hear any thing about it. However I can wait for that. [That's a load off.] I made inquiries about buying out an officer, & I don't believe it can be done.

You said you were going to give me a pistol before I went, you know...[ellipses in ORIGINAL]