Saturday, May 30, 2015

How was your day? This was a spectacular day for me. My concentration was more intense today than I can remember it being in a long time. When I am like that I can see my writing in my brain...Didn't explain that well, don't know how to explain it better.

Most importantly, when I went back and reread what I had written I really liked it! Thought it was good. A lot of times I don't. I will work hard on something and then go back and read it and it's crap. I had some trepidation when I went back to read today: "A lot of times when you work this hard you produce crap." Not today. I don't know why today. I only took two adderal, every other day I take three, but I was so focused I thought if I took the third it would wire me too much.

So, anyway, spectacular day for me. Hope yours was too. I'm gonna remember this day.