Saturday, June 06, 2020

Alabama Multiple Murders

This case is shocking: seven people murdered at the same time under the same roof. So I thought to follow-up.

That has been a troubled house in just the five months of 2020. Police responded to the home once on a disturbance call, to three overdoses, one trespass, one unauthorized use of a vehicle, an attempt to locate and a follow-up on the locate. That's seven police responses.

Six of the seven have been identified, the name of one has been withheld. Two of the dead lived at the home. None of the named appear to be related. That's a lot of unrelated people to be present in one house at 11:30 p.m. on a Thursday. And a dog was killed. The perpetrator(s) wanted to exterminate every living thing in that house. The three overdose calls stand out to me. Were those not living there lured? It smells like a set-up, not, in other words, that a burglar or meth head just happened onto that house and decided to kill everything there. The dead are:

Perpetrator(s), motive—nothing publicly.