Saturday, June 06, 2020

The Great Trump Death

Last call, look at the time, not optimal for me, let's do the numbers which should be complete. The good news first. From WaPo:

Deaths are always our friend, muaw Deaths. That is a mere..., well that is 800 deaths even today per the Chief. Substantially lower than the previous three days. That blasted down-tilted table seven-day average rose to a widow's peak but has now resumed it's downward path. That's a great map, no doubt about it.

WaPo Cases graph is always the remedial student. That's 23.6k cases June 5 and although the seven-day average tilted a millimeter down June 5 it too is on a table but a gently tipping upward table and has been functionally level for eight days of seven-day averages and is down only very slightly since May 24. June 5's daily total was the highest since May 21. That's frustrating to look at.

Let's see what the Johnnies have.

109,143 Total Killed by Donald Trump. At 9:22 p.m. June 5 there were 108,208 total Trump Deaths, a 934 Death difference but over a 26 1/2 hour day. WaPo had 800 even June 5, 934 is significantly higher than 800 but I have learned from frustrating experience that if I don't catch the Johnnies right after day's end my numbers are going to be wrong. My guess is there were about 850 Deaths June 5 as calculated by Hopkins.

5.75% Trump's Kill efficiency. That is down from 5.78% June 3, the last time I calculated it, and is a continued decrease of now 0.31% off his high of 6.06%. That is and has been by far the best news in these stats for a couple of weeks. The stubbornly high number of daily cases and the drawn-string look to WaPo's seven-day average are not as frustrating with that ever declining mortality rate ever suppressing the daily Deaths and WaPo's seven-day average.

They're always fucking different, the Johnnies and Chief WaPo. The Johnnies have 24.7k Cases June 5, 1,100 more than WaPo. Eyeballing the bars on the Johnnies graph it looks like it would be a straight line across since May 18 or so. The Johnnies do produce a trend line graph, it's the broken shards of glass graph of five days averages. Let's take a look at that.

Green arrow down, good. The trend line for Cases looks more like WaPo's seven-day line for Deaths, a CLEAR downward since mid-April. EXCELLENT. Can't reconcile those two Cases graphs for the life of me.

Grading on a curve tonight I give these number a B, closing on B+.