Sunday, June 14, 2020

In the four or so testimonials I posted from RVAT I think every person mentioned coronavirus as one of the reasons they will not vote for Trump again. Chris Wallace said not too long ago that if voters blame Trump for coronavirus there is nothing he can do to win, and conversely if voters absolve Trump of blame there is nothing Biden can do to win. Now, Wallace said that before George Floyd, before Trump perp-walked himself, before Bunker Boy and the Wall--I don't know if Wallace would say today that the election would come down to the virus but Wallace also made that statement before Trump moved the beauty part of his convention on August 27 from Charlotte to Jacksonville. Which is in Florida.Which Trump absolutely, positively must have to win. Which he trails in currently. Which has seen a recent spike in coronavirus cases since Trump loyalist Ron DeSantis partially reopened. Which has tons of old people. Which is now going to host 50,000 sweaty, smelly, spittle-projectiling, unprotected, Trumpbags flying in from all over the country. Which gets back to Wallace's point. I really don't think the country is going to absolve Trump on the virus but if they do, Florida will not. The inevitable post-convention rise in coronavirus cases in Florida is going to be documented in exhaustive, meticulous, irrefutable detail by epidemiologists and carpel tunnel afflicted wretches. And it will cost Trump the election. Chris Wallace will have been proved right.