Sunday, June 07, 2020

Jobs Report “Miscalculation Error”

It is a significant error. It classified some as “employed” rather than “unemployed”. Which it is like the point not to miscalculate those two fucking categories but they done did and for the third month in a row, to their considerable vexation, which they swear many impressive oaths to remedy in the future, and to everyone else. This bird pump by the Bureau of Labor Statistics adds up to 3% to the unemployment rate, making it as much as 16.3% rather than 13.3%, I don’t know if the spirit of George Floyd has communicated with IDJiT that his happiness index has declined proportionally, but, however that may be, “on the hand” in the patois of dismal science, the fuck up did not fuck up the reversal of direction, that is, the unemployment rate still fell from April’s, so we trust we have made this clear.