Sunday, June 07, 2020

The Great Trump Death. June 6, Finis

Now that the data is complete I shall present for clarity one site’s graphs for each category rather than dueling graphs— Hopkins for Cases, Hopkins’ five-day average for Cases and WaPo’s seven-day average for Deaths.

First, the Big One, Deaths. The cumulative number is on the header from Hopkins. We will easily crack 110,000 today, June 7.

5.71% The Idjit’s Kill efficiency. In his dotage his shooting accuracy slips further, as do all of his abilities, to the great good of his unwilling subjects. He is now a full quarter per centum off his sniper’s high.

 The graph is from WaPo:

We give our star pupil a curved grade of A.

Cases five-day average, Hopkins:

We give the class Retard...(thinking) a C-.

Daily bar graph, Cases, Hopkins:

22.7k new cases on June 6, 20,000 being the line we have drawn betwixt “bad” and “good”. We direly want to condemn this performance with a lower grade but feel somewhat constrained by the five-day grade we just done gave...(thinking) But we goddamned will. D for the day, Cases, D for Dolt. You are well over the bad/good line, were even worse June 5 and have been too many times over 20k for us to be generous. You have progressed little, if any ‘tall since May, on either the daily quizzes or the five-day tests, and only the failing eye and hand of the marksman saves you from joining Anders of Sweden amongst the Flunked Out. Swine Cases.