Monday, June 08, 2020

Okay, so this just happened.

“As his criminal justice proposal made clear months ago, Vice President Biden does not believe that police should be defunded.” 

Which the undersigned has no problem with, but which should also be read in conjunction with this:

2 long shots rise in Biden VP search

Which X-II done sent the undersigned this morning.

The two are Congresswoman Val Demings (D-FL), a former police chief, and the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms. I had never heard of Keisha Lance Bottoms but immediately texted X-II back,

Boy. I don’t know about a mayor. Joe’s an old guy!  He has hinted more than once that he’ll just defeat Trump and turn the reconstituted country over to his successor. To a mayor? It sounds to me that the Biden campaign is badly over-thinking this.

I then clicked on the Politico link in the article to a viral video of Mayor Lance Bottoms delivering unscripted, impassioned remarks to the city after the first nigh or two of protesting, which at that early juncture was heavy on the looting. Now, the undersigned has some skeletons in his own closet on this. He recalls that he wrote impassioned posts which were NSFW when he learned that that the violent protesting had spread to Miami, which the undersigned pointed out, aggrieved, is not located in Minnesota. But which does have a sordid history of police racism and brutality. And riots. Both of which the undersigned lived and worked through. I share therefore in Mayor Lance Bottoms passionate denunciation of looting and violence. But, as far as I know, my impassioned condemnatory posts have not vaulted me into consideration for the vice presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. After viewing/hearing I immediately texted X-II back:

Okay! So getting to know Mayor Lance Bottoms through her viral video: “This is chaos. Go home!” Okay, wonderful, a Trump sing-along! I am appalled.


Those two candidates indicate to me that the Biden campaign is not hearing the cracking sound either. When you have Mitt Romney marching with BLM protesters and a R.E. Lee descendant saying tear down the statue a black mother’s “Go home” tough love and a black former police chief mean you are not listening.

And I stand by those texts.