Friday, June 05, 2020

While searching for images of Trump holding the bible upside down, and there are many mentions of it, one of them was from Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times. Mr. Friedman is a principal reason that I hardly ever read the Times anymore. However, and maybe that should not be a "however" but a "because," Mr. Friedman and I have a history, unnerving to me, for I find him so wrong at times and disingenuous at others, of writing the same things, almost that there is some mind meld going on. Earlier in the week #2 and I played out worst case scenarios:

Her:... I think his poll numbers will tank this week. The worry is when the rat is cornered and clearly losing will he try to declare martial law and election postponement???

I’ve thought one better: He’s already saying “the election is rigged.” What if he doesn’t recognize the outcome? What if he refuses to leave the White House?

Mr. Friedman's column on June 4 contained both of our concerns:

I am not at all certain we will be able to conduct a free and fair election in November or have a peaceful transition of presidential power in January.