Sunday, October 16, 2016

And just like that:

Donald Trump is laying the groundwork to lose on Nov. 8, refuse to concede the election, and teeter the country into an unprecedented crisis of faith in government.

“Trump is now attacking our democracy. Any elected R who doesn't condemn this anti-American thug will carry a moral stain forever,” tweeted Republican strategist Mike Murphy on Saturday, adding the hashtag “#cowards.”

Try telling that to the Trump supporters.

“Pitchforks and torches time,” tweeted Milwaukee County Sherriff David Clarke, Jr. Saturday.
Or Douglas Wells, who said Saturday at a Trump rally in Portsmouth, N.H. that if Clinton wins, he’d “probably go buy another gun before she stops selling them."

But, Wells added, "everyone I know is supporting Trump and saying it’s going to be a landslide, so there's no reason to worry right now." 

Right on cue. Love when that happens.