Sunday, October 16, 2016

America Exposed and Vulnerable

"If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it. We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”
-Dan Bowman

Is that a crime? Bowman should be arrested if it is. I looked into that a little yesterday and it seems to fall between the cracks, not quite this and not quite that.

Brings up the most ominous part of this crisis: What do we do with the 40% of America that are Bowmans? Even if we could arrest Bowman we can't arrest 40% of America. That question is the domestic equivalent of what the world is asking-What kind of relations do we want with a country that is 40% Bowman.

I am confident that law enforcement is keeping tabs on the Bowmans. They are doing at least what reporters are doing: they are present at Trump rallies, undercover, they are listening and taking notes and snapping photographs and taking names. I am confident they are following up: surveilling, monitoring communications, determining weapons availability. Law enforcement certainly has experience doing all of that! I am confident but I am not positive that law enforcement is doing this.

But law enforcement has its hands full and sometimes people slip through the cracks, like the San Bernardino terrorists, the Orlando mass murderer. 50,000,000 is a big Swamp of Crazy and it only takes one.

Bowman's statement is revealing of the thinking in the Swamp. The denizens of the Swamp are desperate. They know Trump is going down and so they are not talking of assassination now but of a "coup" when Hillary Clinton wins the election and takes office. Well, a coup d'etat t'ain't gonna happen. But it only takes one for an assassination.

And what of, "We're going to have a revolution. There's going to be a lot of bloodshed." That could happen! Riots-Trump predicted/dog-whistled to the Bowmans that "riots" would break out in Cleveland if he was denied the nomination.

Most ominously, this is now the fragility of democracy in America, "I would do whatever I can for my country": There was an article in the Wall Street Journal just this last week, that after the release of the Trump sexual assault tape the campaign's new strategy (They realize they don't have enough people to vote for Trump to win the election.) is to "suppress," the Journal's term, the Clinton vote.

Trump is going to have the Swamp Scum "monitoring" the vote, "challenging" the credentials of people of color, mostly in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, it is very easy to challenge a voter under Pennsylvania law, and that is going to bring these desperate neo-Nazis into a confrontation right at the polling stations with black people who have historically been denied the franchise in America, with easily intimidated latin and other minority voters, the Nazis are going to be armed! and that could lead to "a lot of bloodshed."

I am confident that the federalies are going to be at Philadelphia and Pittsburgh polling stations but I'm not certain and what if they are not?

Donald Trump and his Swamp Crazies are witting or unwitting tools of Russia, and Vladimir Putin is also doing everything he opportunistically and reasonably can to "suppress" the vote for Hillary Clinton. Putin's cyber-Nazis are trying to infiltrate state computers to alter the vote tally. President Obama has said he has notified the states of Russia's intentions. That ain't gonna cut it! The states can't even be trusted to hand count ballots (arithmetically challenged), I have no confidence in their ability to secure their 'puters from a Russian hack. I am confident, but less so than with the others, that the president is doing more than notifying the states.

There is a second prong to Clinton voter "suppression" to Russia's efforts. Putin always has a backup and his backup, if suppression and cyber-theft of the election fail, is to "delegitimize" Hillary Clinton's victory. Russia dog-whistled this strategy to Trump months ago and Trump has been piping it to the Crazies and they believe it. They, the Crazies, are never going to accept that Hillary Clinton
won this election fair and square. There is always going to be "people who vote ten times" and bus loads of illegal immigrants descending on voting booths. Trump and his Crazies are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that a Clinton win is a Clinton stolen election.

Putin is doing this because Clinton, as secretary of state, voiced doubts about the legitimacy of the Putin vote in Russia. That burned Putin and this is payback.

Putin never dreamed that he would have such an opportunity for payback in America until Trump gained traction. He grasped immediately. He paid ingratiating compliments to Trump, who returned them, he saw that Trump was a political amateur and an ignoramus and was desperate for help, and he saw Trump's low-life, uneducated supporters.

Putin saw "useful fools" and they have been very useful to Putin already. American leadership has been "delegitimized" in the eyes of the world, allies and enemies alike, and into that leadership vacuum comes...

A fragile democracy is an unstable democracy and Vladimir Putin wants to destabilize America and thereby weaken her to Russia's advantage. It is the second prong of the same tool of voter suppression. If Putin cannot conquer America with military might, the equivalent would be Trump having enough votes to win the election, then Putin will conquer America by weakening her through destabilization of her democracy.

Putin has already achieved much with his useful fools. And if neither prong of the Putin-Trump strategy is successful they have Dan Bowman: "a coup," "We're going to have a revolution," "a lot of bloodshed."

Law enforcement has its hands full with the Bowmans and the Trumps and the Putins. This presidential election is a "crisis" that America has never had to weather before.