Sunday, October 16, 2016

Jon Meacham authors an article in The New York Times this morning, "Nostalgia for the Grace of George H.W. Bush."

I remember. A consummate gentleman and exemplary public servant I didn't know the half of the man's character before the 1988 campaign. Something like the youngest fighter pilot to be shot down in the Pacific in World War II? Young anyway, only 19. Broke out from Connecticut for the hottest, coldest, driest, wettest, harshest part of harsh Texas to make his own way in oil, and he did, Midland Oil, because he didn't want to be just "Press Bush's boy." Ulcer, remember that 'cause I had one too, success with Midland, a first, unsuccessful run for Congress, later political success, ambassador to China, veep, consummate veep, president.

Didn't run a proud campaign in '88. Lee Atwater ran the campaign, made Willie Horton Micjael Dukakis' running mate. Atwater suggested Donald Trump as Bush's unning mate!

But even with the Willie Horton sleaze Bush recognized the quality of his opponent. Asked off the record about Dukakis (In Australia, I think.) Bush replied, "Solid. Solid."

92 year old George H.W. Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton November 8. His first vote for a Democrat for president. Generous-spirited enough to have befriended Bill Clinton. To show up at Houston airport unannounced, in a wheel-chair, to greet President Obama and First Lady Michelle. "I just thought if the president of the United States was coming to my hometown I wanted to see him!"
Those photographs on the tarmac, of President Bush beaming up at President Obama, as if he was a son, which is how some others also consider Barack Obama, and of the exceptionally touched young president and first lady affectionately patting the older president, are about as touching as I can recall.

I didn't vote for Bush in 1988, I voted for Dukakis, but it was another thing I learned of Bush in that campaign that made him an example that I held up to my own son for years after. When Bush was a youngster, and friends were over, Bush would say, "Here, have half of mine" if the friend was still hungry after lunch or dinner. "Have half of mine." Did it so frequently his nick-name became "Have Half." Couldn't believe that. Kids are so selfish and greedy. "Have Half." "Son, you remember how President Bush was as a boy." "'Have Half!,' yes daddy." "I want you to be just like President Bush." And he was. My golden-haired Golden Boy was a generous little guy.

Only president I ever held up to either of my kids as an example.